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诊桌 Diagnostic table

发布时间:2024-07-12 09:35:36

医用家具的诊桌不用于一般的办公桌,它是专门为医生的工作而定制的桌子,所以诊桌设计要考虑 到每个科室不同的特点,例如牙科诊室、普通诊室、中医诊室、专家诊室和儿科诊室等等。 The clinic table of medical furniture is not used for the general desk, it is specially customized for the doctor's work, so the clinic table design should take into account the different characteristics of each department, such as dental clinic, general clinic, traditional Chinese medicine clinic, expert clinic and pediatric clinic and so on.a54a6354bd580cee52621955440f222c.pnga860e7499a656b95909ef1c28a41ada0.png95bf5277e3ef2a93e0b167773434cba7.png

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